Creating Your Ultimate Brand You: Everything You Need To Win Online & Offline This workshop is ideal for entrepreneurs, career-transitioners, small-business owners and PR professionals. #Brandyou Do you stand out on Google, Facebook, Twitter? Do you have a STRATEGIC brand pitch for your business?
Real Talk: 1 in 3 black business will close within six months. Why? Black Businesses plan to open a business, but not to stay in business. Sound familiar? Give us 2 hours and we will teach you how to stay and thrive in business and build an offline and online brand to win.
Creating Your Ultimate Brand You: Everything You Need To Win Online & Offline will help you focus in on your goals, and help you figure out where to start, and what to do to start hitting your goals and creating the life you’ve always envisioned for yourself online and offline. Two and a half inspiring hours of focusing on yourself, your goals, and solutions on how to accomplish them. #Brandyou