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Support 125th Street Vendors

Who else feels like Harlem is its own borough? We don't need to tell you that 125th Street has it ALL. Our street vendors are such a huge part of what makes our neighborhood special. Supporting Harlem and supporting Black business is not a trend and will never go out of style. From eyewear to healing crystals to hand-sewn bags, here are some vendors that you should patronize*:


Brand: EENY




Brand: BUCALEANY (Be Unique Cool And Lean New York)


Refer to our Guide to Black Harlem to support Black businesses & learn more about the rich history of our home. Taste, hear, see, shop and EXPERIENCE Harlem.

You can support in multiple categories: arts & culture, clothing and accessories, food and drink, fitness, gift shops and more.

Like, love, & share this listing with your fellow Harlemites.



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