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Two free weeks of summer camp and summer youth employment opportunities!

Updated: Aug 20, 2021

WHDC has two great opportunities for children, teens and young adults this summer. We are conducting a lottery for two free weeks of summer camp at Columbia University (ages 6 to 12), and we are funding 200 Summer Youth Employment positions for West Harlem youth (ages 14 to 24). Read through for information on both programs:

CU Cubs Camp Scholarships:

West Harlem Development Corporation will conduct a lottery for 12, two-week scholarships to Columbia University’s Roar-ee’s Cubs Camp this summer.

The scholarships are for Community District 9 residents only. CD9 runs from 110th Street until 155th Street from the Hudson River to an eastern boundary along Manhattan, Morningside, St Nicholas, Bradhurst and Edgecombe Avenues.

Winning applicants will receive a free two-week session between June 16 and August 15. The application, which you will find in a link below, allows you to pick which two weeks you would prefer as well as an alternate session.

The deadline to apply is 5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 30.  Selected recipients will be contacted on Wednesday, May 7 by 5 p.m.

The camp is for children between the ages of 6 and 12. Drop off is between 8:30 and 9 a.m., and the camp runs from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday.

The sessions are held at Dodge Fitness Center, located at 120th Street and Broadway, or Baker-Athletics Complex, 533 W. 218th St. If a winning applicant chooses Baker and wants to take part in the bus shuttle, it costs, per week, $100 for a round trip and $50 for one way.

Please read the application carefully and submit it either via fax c/o Summer Camp Lottery West Harlem Development Corp. at (646) 476-5588 or to our office:

West Harlem Development Corporation

423 W. 127th St. Ground Floor Suite A

New York, NY 10027

 Summer Youth Employment Program:

 West Harlem Development Corporation (WHDC) will fund 200 positions for the 2014 Summer Youth Employment Program (SYEP). This will bring WHDC’s total contribution for the past four years to 1,100 positions for $1.5 million.

 We encourage all West Harlem residents between the ages of 14 and 24 (as of July 1, 2014) to apply. The application opened up earlier this month, and the deadline to apply is April 25. The New York City Department of Youth and Community Development administers the program and the application process. Please see their website to apply and for more information.

 SYEP is a great way for teens and young adults to earn money while working at community-based organizations during the summer. The program keeps them occupied, teaches them work skills and helps them learn about their community.

The program runs for six weeks from July 7 through August 16 and pays $8 an hour for up to 25 hours of work per week. This age demographic often finds it hardest to find jobs in an economy where older adults are also in need of work. WHDC is proud to fund positive and fulfilling work for teens and young adults.

West Harlem Development Corporation



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